Thursday, October 17, 2024

Lord, I need You

(3161)  Bhulo na prabhu

Lord, do not forget;
This Your tiny speck, forget not.
From You have I arrived;
Mid You only I survive.
To Your outside, cast me not.

From the Creation's beginning,
Upon stream of thought You accompany.
Like a gentle southern breeze,
With every life You are married.
Yourself distant withdraw not.

With sin and virtue bide the living;
Virtue my sins conceal.
In a realm darkness-ringed,
Bitterly I cry in suffering and in grief.
Unto me, merciless please be not.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Content to drift

(3160)  Kena elo se je kena gelo

Why came He Who left for unknown reason today?
Flowers having made bloom, light having shed,
Oh why the mind did He intoxicate?

Many questions 'why' come and go within psyche;
None of the solutions are not at His feet.
Having gone on thinking the mind goes missing;
He sent adrift on juice of game!

Musing on Him I receive ecstasy;
All sorrow and pain, that I go on forgetting.
Except Him, I desire nothing;
With such love-colors did He paint!

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

His game of bliss

(3159)  Tumi mukuler lukono madhu

You are the bud's hidden sweetness,
Earth's flow of ambrosia.
Amid thought is a recognition,
Brimming with mementos of a lost heart.

You are the fortune in a dawn's sunrise,
Through tempo, tune, and beat enriching life.
Coming nigh, going far, missing, and again to find,
In this game of bliss, emission of love.

The temporal seashore looks toward Thee,
With golden sands neath waves in series,
None lags behind, always You summon all;
Over time that call does not get lost.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Monday, October 14, 2024

Hardships I welcome

(3158)  Akashe kalo megh bhese jay

Upon sky ebony clouds go on floating;
Peacock on a kadam bough, Whom wants he?

Rain-moist, the soil pours out fragrance with love;
From the sound of wind trees sway and clouds roar.
The Unknown Traveler moves on making such a sport;
He comes near, then afar He goes missing.

Today, bolted are many mansions;
In the mind's northeast niche clouds amass still more.
Opening the bolts please come, I'll mix with the One
Who makes light rain on what is gloomy.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Sunday, October 13, 2024

My Lord

(3157)  Niilakasher acin deshe

From the azure firmament's realm unfamiliar,
Oh Who arrived and smiled at heart's core?
Your method, a boundless sport,
Around dreams it mingles with illusion.

You are the start and end of mine,
The quintessence of all life.
The burden of one after another lifetime,
With it You go to the heavens, soaring off.

You don't want anything;
You dwell above both craving and gaining.
Coat You the heart's psychic honey
From abode moonlit with benign purpose.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Saturday, October 12, 2024


(3156)  Tumi mahesh tumi mahesh

You are Mahesh, the God of gods;
You are Hari, the Sin-Thief.
I pay salutation to Thee.
Yourself, sincerely I receive;
I am catching hold of Your feet.

By light of day You alone are a bosom friend;
Under the night's ebon, the flame of a lantern.
Within the heart in fascinating attire,
You laugh and dance, filling me.

Your coming and then going, it does not happen;
The limits of time, defeat they acknowledge.
With each tune blown on a reed pipe,
From age to age, a boat You send floating.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Friday, October 11, 2024

What a fool!

(3155)  Ami tomay nahi jani

Yourself I don't realize;
Master, You know me.
To You the Huge I don't pull nigh;
Great, myself I go on making.

My life, ringed by limits given,
Is filled with distinctions of own and other.
Your world's door is unrestricted;
No bolt can persevere.

I come and go here many times over
To manifest my own chronicle.
Having stayed engrossed in endless deeds,
You don't say all You keep doing.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording