(596) Madhura anane manera kanane
With kindly countenance, into my mind's garden
Please come on silent feet, my Dearest Darling.
In a habitat of flowers, with cheerful heart,
To tempo, beat, and melody, my song I will sing.
Due to You alone, my hope endures;
Age after age, to that I cling.
Seeking You, at my core churned,
A nectar cup I've kept brimming.
Place Your lips on this chaste vessel,
And drink from it like bee from flower.
I don't get dry, swept by desert storms;
In burning sands, life itself is succulent.
From thunder's roar and angry downpour,
New-bloomed greenery is never stricken.
Alert by day and sleepless at night,
Dispelling gloom, I've kept my flame alight.
Sarkarverse article
Audio recording
The rigors of life prepare us to be one with Him.