Monday, February 19, 2018

Winter of devotion

(97)  Shiite shiuli kena phote na

In winter, why are night jasmines not blooming;
The lilies, why do they not speak?
No, no, no, they do not speak...
From the cold they did shrink.

Those who remain, of You they think;
In their mind, it’s You that all beseech.
No, no, no, they do not speak...
From the cold they did shrink.

Today, within, the Earth makes merry;
Maybe it has taken note of Thee
No, no, no, it does not speak...
From the cold it did shrink.

Mind's blossom unfolds in a hundred streams;
In mind alone they've lain concealed.
No, no, no, they do not speak...
From the cold they did shrink.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

1 comment:

  1. When we recoil from the outside world, our rich inner world gets revealed.
