Friday, June 8, 2018

Central intelligence agency

(997)  Andhar rate ujan pathe

On a dark night and an uphill path,
Oh, Who arrived, lamp in hand?
Your form I am unable to see,
Your voice is unknown to me;
But still I sense that You are here,
That I am always in Your company.

You piece together the heart that's broken;
To the dry creek You bring a stream of water.
Every lack of hope You fill
Through honey-sweet eyelids.

In only thoughts of You ever new,
You brighten my life with many hues.
You occupy me in Your service
In hope to make me fruitful.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

1 comment:

  1. We move by His power according to His blissful and benevolent plan. He does the work and gives us the credit, while we try to do likewise.
