Sunday, June 10, 2018


(999)  Ami kahakeo nahi kari bhay

I'm not afraid of anybody;
No one do I fear.
I know that in each war, eternally,
Only Yours has been the victory.

In the summer heat, with its severe sunbeams,
Or in the shade of a tree, You have been with me.
The force of sin, with its prowess mighty,
By Your firm hand restrained You keep;
Of Your power there is no defeat.

After the winter's frozen snow appears,
Grains of Your light fall, glittering.
On pitch-dark nights, silently and secretly,
A tiny piece of Your mercy stays with me.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

1 comment:

  1. What is there to fear when my devoted, omnipotent Father is always with me?
