Wednesday, July 18, 2018


(1037)  Kache ese dure sare gele kena

Having come near, why went You far away;
From this cruelty I get such pain.
In front You stood, then hid behind a veil;
Of empathy is there not a small trace?

To the treetop You raised;
Why did You take the ladder away?
The fruit of heaven You delivered;
Why sent You it adrift upon the river?
You roused from sleep a springtime blossom;
With the summer why did You incinerate it?

The camphor lamp You let go out;
Black soot is what still sticks around.
From heart bereft You removed sweetness;
As if dead, it is deserted.
I beseech a speck of mercy; I simply endure
That in Your contemplation I may merge.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

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