(143) Aha kii shunilam
Ah, what I did hear!
Ah, what I did hear– the Name exuding honey;
Without fee my life is free of ebony.
The Name, by what means it pierced the ear–
How it registered on innermost feelings!
In that Name's beat and its honeyed glee,
An effusive Earth took refuge of Him only.
To swing and sway in the cradle of Name only,
In His stream I keep on floating.
To laugh and beam in the light of Name only,
With Him I remain in sync.
Oh, I keep mingling–
Only with Him I keep mingling.
To laugh and beam in the light of Name only,
Joined with Him do I keep.
From only His light I am dyed crimson;
With many colors I will be painting Him.
His sweet Name with pleasing ideation
Through the whole cosmos I will scatter.
Oh I'll make it scattered,
The sweet name with pleasing ideation.
Oh I'll make it scattered;
His sweet name with pleasing ideation
Through the whole cosmos I will scatter.
Ah, what I did hear– the Name full of energy;
Without fee my life is free of ebony...
Ah, what I did hear!
Sarkarverse article
Audio recording
My life's mission is just to spread His Name.