(1501) Ei phagune tithi nahi gune
In this month of Phalgun, not reckoning auspicious time,
Who are You that came into a corner of the mind?
For You I did not pine, by day or by night;
Nonetheless, to this niche, why did You arrive?
In clusters, the ashok flowers blossom;
The palash flowers, scarlet on the path they sprawl.
Flowers of the bakul tree, ever supplicating,
Dancing, they race about, absent-mindedly.
Perfumy flowers distribute their scent,
Young maidens decorate merchandise with them.
In the magnolia grove, lonesome beneath awning,
A cuckoo bird is warbling, his notes low-and-sweet.
Sarkarverse article
Audio recording
Now that graciously You are here, how much longer will I suffer the loneliness of vanity?