At nightfall, the star of evening...
At night's end, You are the star of morning...
With the crimson dawn, its reddish gleam,
All day long, the sun light-dropping.
On a moonlit night together with You only,
Peacock feather in armlet, having skipped in frenzy,
The dance keeps rising... a goose is on the wing;
And not bereft of nest is she.
All are surviving by Your perseverance,
To You, all are held in the heart.
With just Your love, Your eternal song,
The universe entire is filled with existence.
At night's end, You are the star of morning...
With the crimson dawn, its reddish gleam,
All day long, the sun light-dropping.
On a moonlit night together with You only,
Peacock feather in armlet, having skipped in frenzy,
The dance keeps rising... a goose is on the wing;
And not bereft of nest is she.
All are surviving by Your perseverance,
To You, all are held in the heart.
With just Your love, Your eternal song,
The universe entire is filled with existence.
Sarkarverse article
Audio recording
Our loving Lord is a happy home to everyone.