Wednesday, March 22, 2023

By only Your mercy

(2581)  Tomay amay pratham dekha, kabe halo go nei mane

Twixt You and me, our first meeting,
When it was, oh long ago, it is not in mind.
Day, date, and the time, morning or evening,
Absentmindedly, in oblivion was I.

Time flows ever on, in the rhythm of movement;
It tarries not, pausing for impediment.
The sun sets, and moon also is defeated;
But in private, You continue to smile.

They come and leave, ages after ages;
The sun that sets, once again shows itself.
A vanquished heart gets life afresh,
By only Your mercy; who does not realize!

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

1 comment:

  1. Like a kite flying high, time and again I am pulled back to Thee.
