Saturday, August 24, 2024


(3111)  Ei tandrajarima makha jyotsnay

Neath moonlight but smeared by this inertia sleepy,
Psyche goes on floating, it goes on floating.
It does not manage to fathom anything:
Wherefrom it has come or whereto it proceeds.

With a throbbing fragrance Who is He, goes on calling;
With a pleasing sweetness a song Who does sing?
Like the dew under light He excites with song and beat;
Life, it is sparkling.

Unknown Traveler, today the welcome guest You be;
You came into core of heart, dressed up charmingly.
Only this kindness I pray at Your lotus feet:
Go on staying within me privately.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

1 comment:

  1. The only thing I know is that I want You always inside me.
