Sunday, September 1, 2024

Boundless love and endless might

(3121)  Nandita tumi sab mane prane prabhu

In every mind and heart, Lord, applauded are You;
Throughout the whole universe You are revered...
In the embroidered garden, in the golden niche of psyche,
Girdled by mountains with the trees resounding.

Per Your will, what You wish, that You go on doing;
Upon desire, shape You give instantly and smilingly...
In both crest and trough is a great collection of novelty,
Its thinking abrim with a heady property.

Only by cherishing, attaining You succeeds;
Those made to see all things, they come back weeping...
At depths of mind You remain, honey all-pervading You dab
On happiness and sadness, on everybody's memory.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

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