Thursday, September 26, 2024

Now I think of only You

(3139)  Jadi na asibe tabe kena

When You won't arrive, then what's the reason
You had held dear?
If You will not smile on coming near,
Why had You peered?

Why in both good and bad times calls Your pipe of reed;
Spellbound it does make me!
Through a hole in the clouds I spy a ray of glee;
This divine game, where did You study?

In the house mind does not stay, outdoors it races;
Also dwelling outside, in bud of mind I flower.
Yet smeared with pollen's honey, in poverty I flounder;
What You wished, You did not speak.

On the wind soars my topknot, flying free;
Those who come with hope nearby, I don't see.
I don't ponder what they say, who smiles or weeps;
You made me ignore everything.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

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