Saturday, October 5, 2024

If You please

(3148)  Shabda sparsha rupa rase bhare acho

Suffusing sound, touch, form, and flavor You are present;
In the mental bud Thou art my honey.
Whether known or not, You have kept abreast;
Of all my wealth You are the totality.

In summer's sultry air-stream unbearable,
Like a cooling fountain You stay ever with.
On the mud-stained path, not rain-saturated,
In the goal of motion are You, like the Goddess Shashti.[1]

At Your will is knowing or not knowing Thee.
If You wish I will know; if not, You'll stay a mystery.
Pleasing You is the essence of my practice holy;
With that vow I'm praying for Your mercy.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

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