Monday, November 18, 2024

Your bazaar cosmic

(3193)  Carana dhariya vinati kari

Catching feet do I stoop–
Me, Lord, don't forget;
A dust-mote, I am Your iota tiny.
Existence suffusing, I remember You–
I cannot forget You ever;
No dilemma mine, there's no quandary.

In fire and wind is Your majesty;
In sky and hell, Your subtlety.
Your limit, there is nothing;
In one and all, Your meaning.

I am trite, You are immense;
Confined am I, You are Godhead.
Amid formless is there form's market?
You go on sketching incessantly.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

1 comment:

  1. You've created a universal complex; please don't lose me in the vastness of its midst.
