Sunday, December 29, 2024


(3215)  Tomare ceyechi, maneri niipe manidiipe

I have wanted You,
Neath the mind's Cadamba tree, under jeweled lamplight.
You did not appear.
On a pitch-black rainy night,
To stormy winds inducing fright,
You did not yield.

With countless games the nature of rainy season
Had been surrounding me with myriad delusions.
By Your greatness, the best of all,
Enveloping had been such a deceit!

With a slow and halting meter[1] does the world proceed,
Desolate and timorous, and path-weary.
Just so ever-roaming in hope of You only,
Opening eyes, why don't You see?

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

1 comment:

  1. I have always loved You, but when was the last time You thought of me?
