Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Lord, I need Your love

(3217)  Patha ceye achi

The path am I watching;
Threaded have I kept a wreath;
You did not come.
The day has departed;
Also night has ended...
Mental pain don't You fathom?

With the frost, floating off are fallen jasmine heaps;
The smile of kush and kash too has gone missing.
Drawing closer is a gentle vernal breeze,
But it does not talk.

By snowdrifts Earth has got enveloped;
Left without beauty, now She is necessitous.
The cuckoo's song and peacock's call, silence-absorbed,
No sound do they put forth.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

1 comment:

  1. In Your absence life is tough; nobody and nothing speaks to me.
