Tuesday, February 4, 2025

If not for Thee

(3253)  Indradhanute ruper dalite

On the rainbow like a basket of beauty,
When first You had appeared,
There'd been no animal, creeper, or shrub;
There had been no life with feelings.

Then, sun had been wakened, laying waste to ignorance;
There'd become an ocean, waves in abundance.
Lightning's smile through clouds of ebon
On the first firmament of that day was there.

Prehistoric times have disappeared;
Been created has a new history.
The world's been filled with melodies rippling,
With songs in Your praise by the birds and human beings.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Monday, February 3, 2025

Have mercy

(3252)  Tandra jakhan bhara chilo cokhe

When drowsiness on eyes had been replete,
Lord, You had been in my vicinity.
Eyes opened, lo I see You did leave;
Only just an anklet-sound rings.

From a far, nebula heavenly,
Persistently a melodic jingling,
I hear it come floating; with eyes unblinking,
Hearing's impulse dances upon psyche.

Such cosmic play is Thine, a game with my heart:
Just a single inattention of atomic cognition!
With a wreath from floral garden I would adorn
Mind's Charming One in the month of spring.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Is it a dream or reality?

(3251)  Nisha halo bhor svapnera ghor

Night became morning, a dreamy illusion:
Mine, it's got excised today.
The night had been veiled by blind infatuation;
Boundless ignorance had been without bank.

By mist the Polaris, it too had been concealed;
A tempest had blown with furious velocity.
I had been calling You anxiously,
The darkness gloomy to evade.

Thorns had filled the sandal grove;
Decline had quenched aesthetics also.
Wallowed in falsehood had been the marrow;
I received Your causeless grace.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Just You I have to thank

(3250)  Tomake peyechi maneri niipe ami

At the kadam tree of my mind, Yourself have I received;
With kadam in full blossom and the bee of psyche mine,
I traipse about, the laughing pollen kissing.

What had been beyond my expectation,
In the realm of sensation with unspoken tongue,
That sweet son of Nanda, the bright harvest moon,
You rescued the bud of my psyche.

Naught is obscure to You: name, form, or special traits;
And hence I realize You are everything I crave.
By Your kindness, by Your unearned grace,
I will move along light's journeyway unhalting.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Friday, January 31, 2025

In the old and in the new

(3249)  Akashe vatase tomar madhurii

On sky and air is Your sweetness;
Nobody is without You anywhere.
With a sweet humming sound is Your greatness,
In the bird's song I'm able to hear.

The antiquated goes, the most modern comes;
It shines brightly with Your lustrous color.
The old, in You alone it too gets absorbed,
Abiding always, surviving in You only.

Oh the Ancient One, hey the Ever-Novel,
Intrinsic to You is the cosmic existence.
Within every body, inside each atom,
Like so with all You've remained mixing.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Thursday, January 30, 2025

We can builld a better world

(3248)  Cander desher parii ese

Moon-land's fairy having come,
He kept giving the light's tidings...
Sweetly smiling, having loved,
He told everything of the commonweal.

Nobody wails from starvation;
Gasping in ailing's extremity is none...
Under mental pain's lamentation
No one sees a world of ebony.

On every face is a bright illumination
From the latent happiness in full blossom...
Sweetness of pollen in the bloom's bosom,
Just like there had been in the realm of fancy.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Chasing a mirage

(3247)  Jyotsna madhur cakora vidhur

Moonlight-sweet, a partridge is bewildered;
In the hope of You she orbits firmament.
In gist only are her expeditions;
With intent fruitless, she returns to nest.

Within her capacity is ambrosia's flavor–
Endeavor with aspirant is tied up in unison;
She gives chase but nothing does she register,
Holding in mind the moon of a remote realm.

I am understanding the ancient axiom–
This lunar crescent waits for mind's infusion;
Aggregating psyche, creating a portrait,
On the mental mirror, it's just that I witness.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Great is the Lord of Lords

(3246)  Shaunkara harahara mahadeva

Oh the Great Deity, Benevolent Adept,[1]
Shiva auspicious, to You I pay respect.
You have no beginning and no end;
Your attributes are unknown by myself.

You are not below temporal limitation;
Your motion is not confined to form.
As for time, by so much You overstep,
I recollect, form-transcendent.

In vexation, Master, You are like honey;
In danger, You are helpful, hey the Almighty.
Radiating kindness and compassion crimson,
Forever You are Brahma, the Self-Created.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


(3245)  Cinite giye tomare

Having gone to know Thee,
I come back repeatedly.
Day and night hard I struggle,
Around You I revolve psyche.

You are the river's source;
And You are its goal, Lord.
Flowing in direction double,
At home and abroad is the mind-stream.

Wounded by stones is the rivulet;
Still I grasp she does not forget.
With pent-up gasp, the prison bounding
Having smashed, she discards walls enclosing.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Monday, January 27, 2025

Because I love You more

(3244)  Tomar maner chotta kone

In a tiny corner of Your psyche,
A place, Lord, kindly grant me.
I don't crave anything more;
I don't ask for a nectar-spring.

In Your proximity will I reside;
I will understand that in You am I.
Only with You do I dance, do I smile,
Inside Your mental life earthly.

With trust in a high tide of desiring,
I'd become removed, far away excessively.
Presently I perceive: In the formless sea
Will I obtain You, only by my mingling.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Let us be Your victory song

(3243)  Tomar aloke bhuvan bhareche

With Your light the world has been made replete;
Why have You remained elsewhere?
Buds have clung on mango and palash trees;
Don't You know it is for Thee?

You are the earth's quintessence;
Seated are You on a lotus dais.
From some very distant sea,
You are only watching with smiling visage.
If You love, please come closer,
Faults, oh Lord, pardoning graciously.

At this grand festival of light-beams,
If You won't arrive, who else will appear?
Life's song of praise, You will go on singing;
From own face with new music modes and melodies.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Saturday, January 25, 2025

I would behold

(3242)  Kimshuka vane aji nirajane

Today at the palash bower privately,
Who are You that sounds a lyre?
Grant me sight, oh please give sight.
Radiant like a silk cloth on psyche,
Go on emanating elegance of style.

Never do You ask for aught;
Perhaps there is no cause.
From thought's antiquity, alone and secretly,
Oh what message You publicize!

At my mind's empty dwelling,
Will You capitulate, telling naught, unspeaking?
With the moonlight-bathed evening deceased,
Sing a song of boundless sky.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Friday, January 24, 2025

Lord, it's getting tiresome

(3241)  Ami tomay ceyechi, ele na dekha dile na

For You I have longed;
You did not arrive, no sight did You provide
What crime have I done?

About You day and night I think,
Neath evening hues, on colorful mornings.
On eyelids hope is replete;
Traced there, I have stored.

On bank of the Jamuna in psyche,
At every watch[1] I roam searching.
Sorrow-stricken, tearfully,
Back again why have I come?

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Thursday, January 23, 2025

You did the rest

(3240)  Amar e ganer tarii

This my song's ship,
I launched it toward Thee.
Sail flying, wave grinding,
It will journey to that place far upstream.

No more will I heed any constraint;
Of those who have You, what fear is theirs?
All blocks having forgot, with hope swaying,
Forward I'll proceed with spirit free.

Oh God invisible, You dwell in effulgence;
From remote You call through a dim presence.
The pollen of affection upon life You spread;
You fetch near by an unseen towing.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Tonight am I waiting for Thee

(3239)  Ami tomay bhalabasi, tomar tarei bence achi

I am enamored with Thee;
Only for You, Dear, am I living.
Mid the sandalwood of Your love,
I dance afloat on a gentle breeze.

In the gloom of a night portentous,
I find You past the extent of perception.
Your smile's moonlight-heap,
Arriving at jalousie, summons me.

To an afflicted life vexatious,
With sweet scented pollen along,
At psyche's blossom-dropping, please appear;
I have brought expectation's commodities.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

If there be one thing I have learned...

(3238)  Tomake cai ami jiivane

Yourself I crave in my life,
Everyplace, under darkness, under light.
With You in company would I dwell;
You are mine, You belong to me.

At one corner of these, my desert-wilds,
The two of us, You and I, will reside.
Except for Thee, I want nothing else;
You are refuge, You are footing.

In the past those who've retired
And those coming at a later time,
Their mental story I go and tell;
Everyone is Yours, no one base or mean.

Anything I do, righteous or vile,
It's as if Yourself on head bear I.
In hearing and thinking, a song out I belt:
You are limitless in virtue, boundless in beauty.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Monday, January 20, 2025

Catering to my exuberant nature

(3237)  Amar maner udvelatay

To my mind's exuberance
You've caught on, and close You've come.
Restless ripples upon this same river,
You've recognized, and in You've drawn.

You did not maintain any separation,
Like as if the atoms You have tied fast with affection.
Hey the Great Ocean, this drop of water
Having loved, You've cast off.

There's no fear of my getting lost;
In three worlds[1] with three traits[2], You're the collection.
Endless without boundary, You're the core of core;
You've allowed this intimation.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Sunday, January 19, 2025

All-pervasive and eternal

(3236)  Je bhalo besecho tumi

The ones whom You've held dear
From molecule to molecule, in atoms,
The existential river kissing,
To perpetuity You've gone on, accustomed.

You are in the floral pollen, in heart's ardor,
In the worldly colors and in mantric realization.
At root of kush and kash You are in the soil luscious;
You are permeating the nebula.

Electrons spin by just Your inspiration;
Mind dances off afar on Your lit-up motes of dust.
You're in fire and in air– on water, land, and sky You are;
You are diffuse in all the elements of Creation.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Saturday, January 18, 2025

I don't stand a chance

(3235)  Nihsaunga phul kay

A lonesome bloom states:
"Tell me please, You please tell me,
Bumblebee, why today You came not;
This is the vernal breeze.

"Which is that unknown fairy, to You had called?
She had vanquished mind with a hint of splendor.
Of lively sensations and of thoughts restless
A magic thereby, she made You forget.

"Which is that pond of loti, bosoms full of nectar,
Touched by the Moon of Moonlight on stamens mental?
They'd gazed with smiling face, bade come to a great delight;
Away You went helplessly."

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Thursday, January 16, 2025

I am here, My darling

(3234)  Kar tare tumi mala ganthiyacho

For Whose sake have you strung a wreath?
Toward Whose path are you looking?
Who is He most remote yet most beloved,
Mentally, Whom You've kept holding?

Breast you've steeped in a nectar heavenly;
You have decked the bed with blooms smiling sweetly.
Far off you've expelled the unexpressed agony;
By a mental jasmine you've been seized.

Nowadays, a stranger to you is no one;
Your soul mates, they are everyone.
In depths of psyche at mind's window,
The bolt you have thrown free.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

By Your grace

(3233)  Esecho amar ghare

At my home You've appeared,
Doling by hand the wares of mercy.
I don't have any worthiness;
Yet, I've gone on calling wholeheartedly.

Stars of the firmament inform:
You are everybody's patron.
From sky-blue through meteors,
Light-rays exude, Lord, for sake of Thee.

Unto me You have given amply;
To You I have furnished nothing.
Bud in bloom, myself completely,
I gave it today, upon lotus feet.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Less than easy

(3232)  Tomake cena halo day

Recognizing You became tough;
Yourself known, hard it was.

Sweeter than great sweetness...
Compared to life dearer yet...
By thunder-stones and ruin's drama,
The whole world is enveloped.

When I think You the furthest...
Even amid harsh the sternest...
A floral smile and a pile of moonlight,
They sing a song of love.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

How do I worship?

(3231)  Tumi prabhu amar jani

I know You are my Master,
So why then don't I find You near?
I hear that by a union pervasive
You're within the heart of everybody.

You are early morn's blood-red sun,
Body of the sun very warm.
Greatly You thrill molecules and atoms;
In cadence they dance all around Thee.

A blossom-mind's intimate secrets,
Love's ambrosia, separation's torment–
All of the tales unwritten–
Adorning petals, You go on proclaiming.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Monday, January 13, 2025

Consciousness all-enveloping

(3230)  Sagar jethay dur niilimay

From where ocean upon far cerulean,
It's got dissolved into firmament,
On sandy beach at crimson dawn,
Seated, I receive a faint trace of His presence.

Hey the Couturier, Yourself I do love;
In Your cadence I dance with all my heart.
Through Your vibration wakens a new-fashioned
Affectionate hankering endless.

So many of my moments have gone off;
Many nights, crossed have they become.
Hey the Sea, You are absent cease or shore,
Always unfamiliar in splendor of consciousness.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Even were I to hide

(3229)  Bansharii dhvani tomari

The sound of a flute that's only Yours,
It pulls me and drags me, attracts me.
Whenever I think I'll not listen,
My resolve can't persevere.

At Vrindavan's grove inside psyche,
In both light and ebon's cranny,
Anywhere that I hide, hear can I
Amid love's splendid beauty.

In heaven, hell, and realm of living,
When and where I go on moving,
Day and night always it accompanies,
Tied by a thread of love only.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Saturday, January 11, 2025

A new kind of beauty

(3228)  Cheye navaghana niila gagane

New and impressive, covering the azure sky,
Today You arrived, now You did appear.
The screwpine pollen having coated life,
A peacock rose up dancing, it arose frolicking.

The air has gone on diffusing jui-jasmine spice;
The deer of a woodland trail is staring at the sky.
In contemplation, having thought on their plight,
A lyre rose up playing, it arose resounding.

From kadam stamen has exuded delight;
On it many drops of water are inscribed.
Having seen neep's beauty with own eyes,
Earth rose up decorating, it arose embellishing.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Friday, January 10, 2025

Life requires a fixed ideal

(3227)  Tumi esechile, kena esechile bhalobesechile

You had arrived, You had come;
What's the reason You'd appeared, You had loved
With a sore, playful deception?

The why's answer, to all things it belongs,
Not just those within Your sport.
What You do is beneficial, I acknowledge;
By only its power, leaping over obstruction.

The why's answer, I don't want to receive;
Except Thee, I've naught meditation-worthy.
You remain forever on the mental mirror,
At all times and every location.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Nothing is left

(3226)  Patha ceye base chinu juga dhare

Watching path seated had I been for ages;
Today with the heavy rains You arrived.
My fragrance is water-drenched;
It floats away like pollen of screwpine.

I have sought You in the day's light,
In every star of the dark night.
I've searched for You on azure sky;
You'd been in hiding at unknown site.

My scorching day has gone off;
The weary night has become morn.
The wreath had been theirs; now it's just a cord;
By what means You, my Darling, will I beautify?

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

What fun can You get from this dimwit?

(3225)  Jakhani bhavi kichu cini bujhi

As soon as I think, something I am knowing,
I see that I know nothing, I know not.
When from the path I go down, viaticum I seek...
To understand what I search for, I cannot.

Since some unknown time, on a stream from unknown site,
At a far distance from remote, gone drifting have I.
Roving in search of a place unknown day and night,
Why is it so– am I asleep– I fathom not.

Hey the Embodiment of Kindness, Yours is such a game–
With the puny a divine play, new and strange!
Atomic with Cosmic is this liila;
Pray tell, can it go on?

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

This garland of mine

(3224)  Jeo na rakho mor katha

Please don't leave, to my request acquiesce;
Just another watch,[1] go on staying–
Go on staying, Love, go on staying.
Only its message, the garland I have threaded,
To give ear, simply pay heed.

Having given floral necklace, feet embraced,
To detain at my home, I don't crave.
With calm feet, go off to Your own place;
Not a single word will I speak.

In the mental mirror with tears bathed,
I have strung a garland only for Your sake.
This my wreath carries love's burden;
Nowhere in it is there pain or grief.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Monday, January 6, 2025

What's the sense?

(3223)  Tomari gunete mugdha dhara

By just Your attributes enchanted is the world;
Everyone You deliver.
You are everybody's shelter, refuge of everyone.
By only Your beauty, with dance is full
Everyone's mind and vigor;
Unto all You give assurance, everybody You inform.

When there'd not been this Creation,
Em'rald green, a living vision,
Even then of everyone's potential,
There had been myriad rays, endless splendor.

At Your desire all things appeared;
With countless qualities, they were distinct.
Twixt mental cognition and affection unmeasured,
Swaying aroused pleasure, the swing wakened love.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Your door had been locked

(3222)  Ceye dekho ogo prabhu

Oh Lord, please consider–
For Your sake I've come racing,
But I saw You never;
From afar I've held dear.

The vernal breeze appeased me not;
Dread Armageddon did not block.
With flower-thread, blind attachment bound not;
By love's tug I've been frenzied.

Thumping my head with hand,
How many nights have passed.
Come now the crimson dawn has;
From the path I've dismounted, Your door is free.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Was it for just one person?

(3221)  Tumi kar tane ele kena ele

At whose pull did You come, why You arrived;
By whose pull came, why arrived?
Which is that lost girl estranged; her heart's
Every molecule with, You did combine.

I cannot comprehend what You are wanting;
I cannot catch which melody You sing!
Amid heart-core why You go into hiding,
With light and shadow having gone on dancing.

Through many ages, via names and songs diversified,
Uneasy is this world inside the pavilion of mind.
With love throbbing, unto You does she cry,
On both sides of the river of life?

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Friday, January 3, 2025

You run in my blood

(3220)  Tumi madhu prabhate esecho

Oh You, with honeyed morn You've arrived;
With fresh green leaves on bud and bloom,
Filling the world You have smiled, You've arrived.

External and internal, the two You did fuse;
With golden rays You removed the gloom...
In human thinking, in the eyes of a molecule,
With love's fetters You have tied, You've arrived.

To any small thing Thine there's no limit;
In three worlds[1] Your greatness is pervasive...
On atom and molecule meridian is painted;
You've put on unique attire, You've arrived.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Thursday, January 2, 2025

A path to devotion?

(3219)  Nayane kena ke jane aji neveche

Who knows why today has oozed from eyes
Rain of the Shravan month?
Remaining far away, Who has made me cry
With a pain continuous?

Oh Who are You Whose heart is obdurate–
Comprehending, You want not to understand!
The flow from eyes is on a hundred sides;
For this do You bring down my shower-like flood?

Ten thousand times I bow to Thee;
Thou art beyond intellect's reach.
Sometimes I smile, other times weep,
From Your lively Game's emanation.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Those who want to find Him

(3218)  Bhalabaso ki na jani na, jani shudhu saunge thako

I don't know if You love or not;
I just know You stay along.
Pain, I do not fathom if You grasp or not;
I get that You call me at heart-core.

When in darkness cloudy,
On my own I cannot see.
I notice that inside my psyche,
You don't dwell without splendor.

Out of doors for You I search;
Only outwardly I worship ever.
Closing eyes do I observe:
You arise in molecule and atom.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording