Saturday, January 18, 2025

I don't stand a chance

(3235)  Nihsaunga phul kay

A lonesome bloom states:
"Tell me please, You please tell me,
Bumblebee, why today You came not;
This is the vernal breeze.

"Which is that unknown fairy, to You had called?
She had vanquished mind with a hint of splendor.
Of lively sensations and of thoughts restless
A magic thereby, she made You forget.

"Which is that pond of loti, bosoms full of nectar,
Touched by the Moon of Moonlight on stamens mental?
They'd gazed with smiling face, bade come to a great delight;
Away You went helplessly."

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

1 comment:

  1. How can I blame You? Certainly there are many, many who are much more worthy. No doubt they attract.
