Friday, February 14, 2025

Is there aught for which to pray?

(3263)  Na bale ele na bale gele, caranacihna rekhe gele

Sympathetic to my agony,
Saying that You will see me,
On the surface of this earth, have You appeared?

From a heart full of sweetness,
With Your laugh pearls are shed.
On Your eyes, affection's ink,
An immortal being did You not abide.
Passionately descending, You've arrived
With playful wiles in the bud of psyche.

Name and form is not Thine;
Through a hundred names and forms do I find.
The intellect, if submerging,
Please remain always with me
At all times and beyond time's periphery,
In the psychic lotus with an ideation sweet.

Sarkarverse article
Audio recording

1 comment:

  1. Though physically You did not stay, You lit a torch and paved the way.
